About book The Child Whisperer: The Ultimate Handbook For Raising Happy, Successful, Cooperative Children (2012)
I liked the underlying idea of this book - let your kids be who they are and help them to learn to be successful and utilize their natural strengths rather than always trying to turn them into cookie cutter adults. I do this. A lot. I don't WANT my "spirited" children to be "spirited," I want them to be still and quiet and obedient. So that was a helpful reminder.However, I never appreciate the personality categories that all kids are supposed to fall in to. Mine never do and it's frustrating to try to put them in one of those boxes. So I probably shouldn't even rate this book because I just skimmed it. The first few chapters were helpful but the personality test part just makes me mad. I love Carol Tuttle's stuff. I see a lot or reviewers criticizing her book because she did not invent the idea of personality profiling, he info is not original, etc. Well that's all true--personality systems have been around forever. I've read a ton of them. But Carol's book is the best and most insightful I've read. She presents it in a very practical and useful way. I not only know what "type" I am, but I can use the info to make my life better, and to understand my family and friends. Long live Carol Tuttle!!!
Do You like book The Child Whisperer: The Ultimate Handbook For Raising Happy, Successful, Cooperative Children (2012)?
Very interesting. I'm looking forward to applying what I've learned and to see what happens.
liked the principles, wish I would've read it when my kids were smaller.
So many answers to so many of my parenting questions and problems.