About book It's Just My Nature! A Guide To Knowing And Living Your True Nature (2009)
I appreciated it, but I wouldn't call it life-changing for me. It's more insightful than most other personality-sorting methodologies, but it still feels limited, to me. I think it has to do with merging the *de*scriptive with the *pre*scriptive, which never sits well with me.That said, the book is written in an engaging way, and it's easy to read. The author presents a lot of information, in a very readable format, and she ties it in with "regular life," well. In summary, I think it's a valuable resource in an extensive, multi-faceted approach to understanding and valuing ourselves for our strengths *and* our less-tamed strengths (challenges). This was a really interesting profiling system to read about and I think there is a lot of value from studying it and applying the concepts in your life and relationships. I won't say I am 100% on board with everything she says- specifically not everything with Dressing Your Truth, which is only touched on a little in this book, but I like the energy types and the idea of living your truth and letting others live their truths. I will definitely be applying things that I learned in my own life and relationships. I find myself looking for the energy types in everyone around me.
Do You like book It's Just My Nature! A Guide To Knowing And Living Your True Nature (2009)?
It was a bit repetitive, and I'm still not sure what type I am, but it was an interesting read.
Quite the interesting paradigm for viewing relationships and personalities...