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The Body Sculpting Bible For Women: The Way To Physical Perfection (2006)

The Body Sculpting Bible for Women: The Way to Physical Perfection (2006)

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1578262399 (ISBN13: 9781578262397)
hatherleigh press

About book The Body Sculpting Bible For Women: The Way To Physical Perfection (2006)

When I found this book, I had been dieting and working out for 3 years, yet I had trouble figuring out if I was doing things right, and especially, I could never get the results I wanted, even though I kept my goals real. Modern dieting philosophies, with their fads and contraddicting theories, got me into yo-yo dieting, which led me to a poor body image, a poor energy level and a physique I was pretty unhappy of. Luckily I found this book. Though the workout part of it will probably not be anything new to intermediate/advanced exercisers, it's new to find such complete, straight-forward info about nutrition, supplements, special needs, the importance of rest, and so on, all in one book. Just shortly after implementing the nutrition guidelines and just from using the break-in routine, I could see noticeable results in my strength and energy levels, much faster than ever before. I also noticed less cravings, better workouts, and therefore, more visible results - faster.The best part of the book is how the authors simplified it to the maximum, so that it's all easy to understand and apply: macro-nutrients tables, examples of weekly food regimens, section on special needs, and even diversified workouts for each stage, depending on whether you work out at home or at the gym.I would recommend this to anyone who wants to add resistance training to her workout, or just get more proficient at designing a good, effective workout for herself; I would also recommend it to anyone who has been working out for some time now and "eating healthy" but has not gotten the results she was expecting - this book will deliver them to you!

I plan to add weight training (I currently do strength training or weight training machines at CalFIT) activities only 1-2 times a week. This is recommended 3 days a week and 3 days of cardio. I do 3 days of cardio most of the week: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays. Tuesdays and if pilates count for strength training on Thursdays sometimes, but may look at weight machines on Thursdays sine I do Group Intervals Training (GIT) with weight machines and more on Tuesdays. If I can get in there on the weekend like Saturdays, machines, this may help with my progress. I have been there for 3 months and seeing slight change, but gradually seeing muscle definition. This week doing 10-day smoothie; not easy but knew I would do the modified cleanse. Not recommended past 2 weeks. Once done with Detox, will go with Dolvett's diet which also in this book touched on smart carbs, fats, proteins, and fibers. This seemed to work best for me. I also plan to eat more vegetables and fruits which I prefer as smoothies or juicing these days. Working on snacks being fruits or crunchy veggies!Leisure read 2015 (to help get body in shape and to design my body how I want and desire it to be)

Do You like book The Body Sculpting Bible For Women: The Way To Physical Perfection (2006)?

Initially, I borrowed this book from my sister. She found out about it after talking to a friend who had dropped 40 lbs and is buff! The nice thing is that this is NOT a quick fix. It takes commitment an work. It is done with a balance of good nutrition, weight lifting, ab exercise and cardio. It's realistic. The best part for me so far is the excellent pictures and information on the weight exercises. SO many people do there weight lifting completely wrong. This addresses this and give great information on form and focus to the exercise. Just started this....hoping to escape from the flab around my middle.

this book is definitely MY WORKOUT BIBLE. i take it to the gym every day. its seriously the best workout book i've ever had, and i just bought the revised edition because i had worn my first edition out when i bought it a few years ago. but after 5 or 6 years, its still my go-to book on fitness.why is it so cool? well for starters, you have pictures and explanations of so many different kinds of workouts for different muscle groups, and its one of the only books i found for women that is geared especially for women, and shows you how to do free-weights as well as machines.second, it has in the back of the book different workout routines that go on for 6 week intervals- the beginners or break-in routine, an average or intermediate workout routine, and then an advanced workout routine. each level has 3 different 6 week schedules so you can switch around and have variety. basically the routines warm you up and do all over workouts and when you get to the advanced, you workout alternating muscle groups and it shows you how to space it out and which ones to workout together.the book is quite educational and i've learned a lot about my body and i feel like i've been seeing results already. right now i'm doing the advanced routine to get more definition, but i've been doing the basic routine since september-october. i love this book so much i want to get the 'ABS SCULPTING BIBLE FOR WOMEN' whenever i get the chance!!

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