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The Arctic Incident: The Graphic Novel (2009)

The Arctic Incident: The Graphic Novel (2009)

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1423114078 (ISBN13: 9781423114079)

About book The Arctic Incident: The Graphic Novel (2009)

The Arctic Incident was the second book in Artemis Fowl series and its the second part in the Graphic Novel series too. Artemis's father is found but is held by russian kidnappers. While Fairies underground are also facing stiff competition from Goblins who are working with humans. Horror! Holly naturally suspects that Artemis is behind everything. But he is not and Comm. Root asks for Artemis's help in uncovering human who's working with Goblins. And Artemis asks for Roots help in freeing his father. And the adventure begins. Very nice book read the original novels around 3-4 years back and reading the graphic novels now brought back the memories. Do read these books are fun. Another great adaptation of Colfer's wonderful YA Books. I think the Graphic novels are neat not just because we get to see the action but because the narration blocks are first person thoughts from either Holly or Artemis. I like the idea that we are hearing their innermost thoughts because these characters are so well developed. There was one nit pick though in the introduction it says that Artemis is fourteen but in the main story it is obvious that he is only thirteen. I reread the introduction to the novel and it did not make this mistake.

Do You like book The Arctic Incident: The Graphic Novel (2009)?

I was cracking up laughing at the drawings of the characters-SO not how I see them in my head! :P

I think this probably would have made more sense had I read the original novel first.

Amazing drawings and it's really fun to see what every character looks like.

I'm gonna find a way to read this one if it's the last thing I do!!

...makes me want to get back into reading this series...

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