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Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident (2009)

Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident (2009)

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2.97 of 5 Votes: 3
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1423114027 (ISBN13: 9781423114024)

About book Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident (2009)

In the book some parts of the book didn’t make sense.throughout the book there were many strange events. It might have been that I read wrong or the author, Eion Colfer, made a mistake. My opinion was that there was a lot of dialogue which I didn’t like, but the rest of it was really good because of all the action. Like other books, Artemis is teaming with fairies to defeat goblins to save his father. Also when Artemis or any other character talks on the phone, You can’t identify who is doing the talking, which is confusing. Because this is a graphic novel, you can see whats going on in pictures The book doesn’t have a sign of when the person on the phone is talking which sort of gets you confused. But in my opinion its nothing like the other graphic novels in the series. It’s a lot better. This is the graphic novel adaption of the second (and my least favorite) book in the Artemis Fowl series. I haven't read the series in a while, so the book was a pleasant reminder of one of my favorite middle-school series. The images are full-color, beautiful, and almost 3D, but sometimes they bothered me. For example, Holly's haircut and LARGE ears have bothered me in both graphic novels so far. Also, Opal's appearance was rather different that I had pictured. Fans of the series will enjoy seeing their favorite scenes drawn out, and hopefully new fans will get to enjoy the story. Sadly, I cannot provide a front-flap or back cover summary because I had to return the book to the library.

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really good, I like the Artemis Fowl novel, he's not your average villian.

I great second Graphic Novel.

absolutly love Artemis Fowl!

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