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The Alloy Of Law (2011)

The Alloy of Law (2011)

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4.18 of 5 Votes: 3
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0765330423 (ISBN13: 9780765330420)
Tor Books

About book The Alloy Of Law (2011)

I was not impressed. Sanderson, what were you thinking? Ruining that perfect Mistborn trilogy with this miserable piece of western-fantasy? I might be out of line here, but Mistborn world should have been left intact. Suddenly, I'm not very eager to read the second trilogy. Characters are semi-developed, cliché and just boring. Whole mixture of allomancy and feruchemy is not exciting enough to make me overanalyze the possibilities. Now that I think of it, this is as YA as it gets. Great characters and decent story. I like the friendship between Waxillian and Wayne. I thought it came over very well and was very playful. I felt the book was a little rushed which is the complete opposite of many of his other books, that are often over long. I also don't really know how I feel about the way the mistborn world has evolved. I'm certain some will love this and some will hate it. Never the less I still enjoyed this book and really liked the surprise ending. 3.8 out of 5. Deffo worth a read for any die hard Sanderson fans. May be a little confusing for anyone who hasn't read the mistborn trilogy.

Do You like book The Alloy Of Law (2011)?

Kind of a Western steampunk fantasy vibe. I sure hope there will be more books for these characters.

Fun addition to the series. Clearly not as epic, but still a good read.

Six word reviews...A little drop of Mistborn fun

Good but a bit weaker than the previous three.

Uhh, wait, did something happen?

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