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That Certain Spark (2009)

That Certain Spark (2009)

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0764203207 (ISBN13: 9780764203206)
Bethany House Publishers

About book That Certain Spark (2009)

Another book treasure found in our campus library stacks! This novel is about twins, a man who became a vet and a woman who became a physician, and the difficulties the female doctor faced in getting the small town in Texas' residents that recruited them to allow the female to treat the town's males. Her name "Taylor" had caused them to think she was a male, although the contract plainly stated she was a woman. At times funny and at times sad, this was an entertaining read, full of God's Grace. Also, Had a bit of romance attached to the drama!! A great story about a set of twins that moved to pursue their dreams. But the town that they moved to had no clue that they hired a doctor who was a woman. A great book about preconceptions and how they can often be wrong. Taylor is a lot of fun, and is great at what she does! You can't help but feel for her. And her brother Enoch is her biggest supporter and is great at what he does also. God's love shows throughout the book. A great read!

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I have fallen in love with Cathy Marie Hake's writing! I love this series. Another great book.

Not good when you wish a book would just be over. This was that book.

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