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Cathy Marie Hake

Cathy Marie Hake
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Books by Cathy Marie Hake


That Certain Spark (2009)

Another book treasure found in our campus library stacks! This novel is about twins, a man who became a vet and a woman who became a physician, and the difficulties the female doctor faced in getting the small town in Texas' residents that recruited them to allow the female to treat the town's ma...

That Certain Spark (2009) by Cathy Marie Hake

Ärztin In Rot Roman (2011)

Interesting story of a twin brother and sister, he is a vet and she is a physician. Moving together to a small town, the residents do not want a lady doctor! So in the middle of this dilemma, he falls in love with a sweet widow, and a hard-nosed welder/smithy falls in love with the doctor...aft...

Ärztin In Rot Roman (2011) by Cathy Marie Hake

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