About book Tell Me The Day Backwards. By Albert Lamb (2011)
I am a huge fan of any children's book that accomplishes several educational goals within one story. 'Tell Me the Day Backwards' by Albert Lamb gets so many things right within a short, adorable story featuring Timmy Bear and Mama Bear and their nighttime ritual of going over the events of the previous day. Instead of beginning with the morning and talking about everything that happened that day, they start with bedtime and think about all the things they did that day in reverse. This story would work nicely for any parent looking for a sweet book to read to their child before bedtime. In addition, this story would work nicely for any teacher looking to teach the concept of sequencing in a fun way. Timmy Bear's repetition of the phrase, "And before that?" signals to young readers that the order in which events happen is important and meaningful. The large text that matches the corresponding illustrations would be helpful for pre-readers and early readers alike. The illustrations by David McPhail are not overly detailed, but they are bold and action packed. The pictures very closely match the storyline, so non-readers also can get a clear sense of what is happening in the story. This book is a super read, both frontwards and backwards. This was an adorable picture book, with charming pictures. The idea of telling a story backwards is delightful. This would be a great mentor text to use for student writing. Could they tell the events of their day backwards? It could also be used to introduce the concepts of sequence or time lines. While it has many great classroom uses , it is sisimply a wonderful read aloud for our youngest students.
Do You like book Tell Me The Day Backwards. By Albert Lamb (2011)?
Another great picture book to help teach sequential order... backwards.
Cute story - interesting way to do chronological order