At bedtime, a little bear and his mother go through their day, backwards of course. There are some surprises. For example, what happened before jumped in the pond was that he encountered a bunch of bees. They work their way back to the morning and then their last sleep, which was winter hibernation. This story's gentle tone and the soft illustrations make it a good wind-down bedtime read. Gr. PreK-2. A delightful pairing of the right author with the right illustrator. In this book a little bear asks his mother to play a game with him where they tell the story of the day backwards. She agrees and they recount everything from his rescue in the river to how he got there in the first place. By the time the two have gotten to the beginning of the day it becomes clear that they've only recently awaken from hibernation and tomorrow they'll have more fun too. Told with just the write meaning and love, David McPhail's illustrations make just the right capper to this very sweet and simple lesson in continuity. Highly recommended. - B
Do You like book Tell Me The Day Backwards (2011)?
interesting concept. a game I'd like to play with other people/kids. introduces hibernation.
Beautifully soft illustrated story between a mother and her son about the little bears day.
Good art. Great book for kids. About remembering.