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Take Another Little Piece Of My Heart: A Groupie Grows Up (1992)

Take Another Little Piece of My Heart: A Groupie Grows Up (1992)

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3.64 of 5 Votes: 2
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0688091490 (ISBN13: 9780688091491)
william morrow & co

About book Take Another Little Piece Of My Heart: A Groupie Grows Up (1992)

I was a very young teen when I read and loved Pamela's first book, I'm with the Band. It's entirely possible that I would feel differently about it now, but I'm definitely finding her follow-up book about her marriage to Michael Des Barres (which, we're told going in, ended in divorce) depressing. Not because I know the marriage didn't last, but because she seemed to make the whole point of her life to be keeping a moody, selfish husband happy. Though it's a quick read, I haven't even been interested in it as a book to read a few pages of in bed each night and suspect it may forever remain unfinished by me.EDIT: I finally admitted to myself that I'm never going to pick this book up again and have officially placed it on my "could not finish" shelf.

I found this to be a little darker than the first book, but still a good read. I enjoyed her carrying the reader through her journey and growth into womanhood. I love hearing her talk about her pregnancy and first baby, it's very sincere and very sweet. A classic rise and fall love story with some dark twists and painful memories. I feel like she used this book to voice her break up after thoughts to her ex. It was her outlet to get her whole story out there and say 'look at me now, I'm over it' .... Or is she?

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