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Let's Spend The Night Together: Backstage Secrets Of Rock Muses And Supergroupies (2007)

Let's Spend the Night Together: Backstage Secrets of Rock Muses and Supergroupies (2007)

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1556526687 (ISBN13: 9781556526688)
chicago review press

About book Let's Spend The Night Together: Backstage Secrets Of Rock Muses And Supergroupies (2007)

I somewhat understand other reviewers hating on this book. Yes, the rock culture of the '70s and '80s generally viewed women as consumables like drugs or alcohol. But did you not know and expect that going into this book? How can you fault the writer for portraying the culture as honestly as she could? In my opinion, that honesty is far better than some sort of false feminist empowerment. This sort of cavalier sexual attitude is still pervasive now among average twenty-somethings. This book, I felt, wasn't as much about "groupies" in the transient, one night stand sense. Most of the women interviewed seemed to be musicians' go-to girls in their respective cities, ongoing muses rather than forgettable faces. A hierarchy of groupies does exist, just like one has best friends and acquaintances. So interviews with the women who had closer relationships with musicians provide insight that music lovers like me devour. We all wish we could have been there, hanging out in those hotel rooms or backstage and seeing favorite artists during their downtime. Those small anecdotal stories provide a unique insight into those small personality quirks that make these artists seem more real to the reader.The women who didn't have as close relationships with one rock god still offered fun stories about a plethora of famous names. Let's face it - these women had realistic expectations about their interactions with rock stars. They weren't expecting anyone to fall in love with them. For anyone who suggests these women pick up a guitar to get closer to music, I rebut that their primary motivation isn't to get closer to 'music' as some abstract whole. It was about sharing some sort of connection with these artists whose music spoke to their soul in some way. As an avid music lover, I understand that feeling. There's no feeling like standing right up front at a show, inches away from someone who poetically articulated what you feel. It's only natural to want to keep that connection going, if you had the opportunity. I argue that these women got as much out of the experience as the musicians did. I'll also add the Des Barres provides a background on each of the women and details what they are doing today, so you'll learn as much about these women as you will about the musicians.I think it's important to go into this (and any) book with the right mindset. If 'promiscuity' and casual sex bother you and you expect stories written by women to strictly adhere to second wave feminist ideals, you won't enjoy this book. If you want to read personal anecdotes from women who got close to your favorite musicians in order to understand these artists better, then you'll enjoy it. In the words of Cyndi Lauper, girls just want to have fun, so don't expect any sort of moral, behavioral, or political statement.On a related political note: People who look down upon these women for sharing their stories only contribute to the Madonna-whore atmosphere that lumps women into overarching categories and makes those deemed 'sluts' in some cases become pariahs of their communities. One story covers this and to me, it's saddening that fellow women still fall into the trap of judging other women by their sexual history and choices. This isn't the 1600s. It's time to evolve.

This book is not for someone who does not have an open mind. Let's Spend The Night together follows a slew of groupies, it gets their stories, shows you how they became who they are. Most people assume groupies are sluts, they are out to sleep with the band for fame and fortune, however, groupies originally started out as a muse. Groupies wrote the songs without ever picking up a pen. The songs are written for them by artists who admire them. The original groupies were part of the feminst movement. Some of these stories may break your heart, some may inspire you, but Pamela Des Barres a former groupie herself went out and got the stories of these women who have slept with everyone from Elvis Presley to Marilyn Manson. Let's Spend The Night together is a serious must read for anyone who has ever called a girl a slut outside a show, who doesn't understand that without groupies there would be no music... no Rolling Stones, no Beatles, no Elvis.. there would be nothing without the women who inspired these men. This has thus far been one of my all time favorite music industry books, and it's a serious recommendation for anyone who loves music.

Do You like book Let's Spend The Night Together: Backstage Secrets Of Rock Muses And Supergroupies (2007)?

I found this an interesting and mostly fun read. Each chapter of the book is devoted to a SuperGroupie - a gal who knew what she wanted, went after it, and succeeded. And in the process inspired her rock heroes to write songs about her. These particular women interviewed consider themselves freewheeling feminists who were neither victimized nor exploited, but flashes of girls who did experience degradation at the hands of cruel bastards drunk on fame can be seen hovering at the edges of some of their recollections. And violence even found one of the SuperGroupies. (The rape scene in Showgirls seems to be based on what happened to one of the women interviewed.)Full of advice for anyone wanting to become a SuperGroupie, though it also warns of the dangers and heartbreak that accompany the role, this book is a fun read for those interested in the 1960s-1970s rock scene. It gets somewhat repetitive when it gets to the 1980s stories. And if Elvis is on your radar at all, you should read the first chapter at least.

Another dishy, over-the-top book from proud groupie Des Barres, this time collecting the stories and conquests of other band fans, as well as her own. In one spicy chapter after another, backstage passes our secured, hearts are broken, and everybody sleeps with Iggy Pop.I learned that groupies overwhelmingly tended to be music-loving outcasts with low self-esteem before finally finding their calling following musicians. They stress that they are not hookers, and that sleeping with rock stars is only one component of their overall devotion to music. This book also contained some of the best laugh-out-loud passages I'd read in a long time. My favorite:I'd moved to L.A. to live with Yngwie [Malmsteen] and thought I'd found my true love. But five months later he dumped me. I halfheartedly considered suicide, then remembered Van Halen was on tour. And here's what another groupie has to say about the lead singer of INXS:Ever since I first laid eyes on him in episode one, I wanted to give him a BJ, and now it was happening!Not for the easily offended (obviously).

As an afficiando of the rock lit genre and a woman, I found this book a little insulting. The author tries to imply that modern day groupies are a far cry from the angelic, awe insipring goddess she and her crew were back in the day. I hate to break it to her, but just because she broke the ground in the era of free love doesn't mean she's any better than the modern day backstage bunnies she seems to want to insult under the guise of making them seem somehow lost in the shuffle.Her first book was interesting from a senstional view point. The last two are just fluff.
—Amy Radovich

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