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Stretch Marks: A Novel (2009)

Stretch Marks: A Novel (2009)

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3.52 of 5 Votes: 5
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0781448921 (ISBN13: 9780781448925)
David C. Cook

About book Stretch Marks: A Novel (2009)

The main character was a social worker, and her best friend is a librarian. Ha!I like happy Christian chick-lit stories like these...with the drama and happy endings. The thing with this one though, I didn't feel like it properly ended. It could have almost left off for a sequel. There were still some things unresolved, and some things you finally get a conclusion for in the epilogue. Then again, I guess that's what the epilogue is for, but I could have standed for it to be stretched out rather than just reading it in the epilogue and thinking, "Oh, so that's how that situation worked out." But I loved the book anyways. As I said before, I enjoy a lighthearted, fun, clean novel. :) Mia is a eco-conscious vegetarian living in Chicago with her boyfriend and doing her best to avoid her cruise hospitality director mother. This all works out fine until she finds herself pregnant, without said boyfriend and with her mother on her doorstep. That's when Mia's life starts to change.I really enjoyed this book and I really like the direction Christian fiction titles like this are going. There was a realism to this book. Mia didn't not believe but she didn't believe either. Her mother was a Christian, but she didn't go to church all the time, yet she was a moral person. Mia was a moral person to in many ways. Through the book we see both of them grow spirtually but very it's in the background. This is not an in-your-face preachy book, but a subtle way your life changes with God in it. More like real life. I loved the characters. Loved her mom, Babs outspokenness and Mia's trying to hold onto herself even with her mom around and with her body changing. Lars the boyfriend rings close to real-life as he leaves when Mia finds herself pregnant.Rounding out the cast is Silas, Mia's neighbor and Adam, the guy who works at the grocery store that Mia frequents and remains her true friend throughout the book.A wonderful, funny and moving story that shows how babies change us and how we can change when situations are not ideal. I loved this and I will be seeking out other Kimberly Stuart novels.

Do You like book Stretch Marks: A Novel (2009)?

A really cute story that has some great life lessons thrown through out the story.

a fun summer read that was funny and sweet even for a non-mother

my favorite of Kim's books so far!

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