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Kimberly Stuart

Kimberly Stuart
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.55

Books by Kimberly Stuart


Operation Bonnet (2011)

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It was funny and easy to read. Just the kind of book you need at the end of a stressful day. Nellie Monroe is the genius in her little town and she doesn't quite fit in. She's got big dreams - to be a private investigator. but she has trouble finding any cases in h...

Operation Bonnet (2011) by Kimberly Stuart

Stretch Marks: A Novel (2009)

The main character was a social worker, and her best friend is a librarian. Ha!I like happy Christian chick-lit stories like these...with the drama and happy endings. The thing with this one though, I didn't feel like it properly ended. It could have almost left off for a sequel. There were still...

Stretch Marks: A Novel (2009) by Kimberly Stuart

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