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Stray Affections (2009)

Stray Affections (2009)

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3.49 of 5 Votes: 4
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0307444716 (ISBN13: 9780307444714)
WaterBrook Press

About book Stray Affections (2009)

audiobook was read at a dreadfully slow pace without much expression.bogged down toward the end. I didn't see much of a change in Betty so I am surprised that anyone would want to marry her.Good to see the couple with the problem stick together, work out the problem, express feelings and make future plans. Just read two secular books based on the same problem. In those books, the husband ran out on the wife to another woman so he could have sex without all the pressure. No talking or working it out in those books. A very quick read. Interesting plot. Fairly well developed characters. Saw the ending coming from a mile away. The cover endorsement says: "so joyous... so magical." The "magical" felt a bit more creepy than magical until the halfway point. And the book was far from "joyous" until after page 200. The story spent so long setting up WHY the characters were struggling with their past that I felt weighted down with emotions. Usually this is a good thing as it shows the author has engaged the reader. However, this book claims to be "joyous" and multiple endorsements used synonyms. Sorry, but the book wasn't joyous. I was relieved at the end to find joy in the story but it took a long time to reach that point.

Do You like book Stray Affections (2009)?

Okay all of Baumbich's books are feel good stories. Would I recommend, probably not.

Light chick lit. Not exactly my type of book, but overall was a good light read.

Excellent Book! Anything that Charlene Ann Baumbich wrights is bound to be great!

Kind of a cute easy to-read book. By the author of the Dearest Dorothy books.

A very nice sweet book.

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