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Charlene Ann Baumbich

Charlene Ann Baumbich
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.61

Books by Charlene Ann Baumbich


Finding Our Way Home (2012)

"When the road home becomes daunting--sometimes a very capable girl on a bicycle can help find the way."Finding Our Way Home is a story about an unlikely pairing up of two women with equally strong, but dramatically different personalities. Sasha Davis, a 37-yr-old professional ballerina, has a c...

Finding Our Way Home (2012) by Charlene Ann Baumbich

Stray Affections (2009)

audiobook was read at a dreadfully slow pace without much expression.bogged down toward the end. I didn't see much of a change in Betty so I am surprised that anyone would want to marry her.Good to see the couple with the problem stick together, work out the problem, express feelings and make fut...

Stray Affections (2009) by Charlene Ann Baumbich

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