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Sour Apples (2012)

Sour Apples (2012)

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3.85 of 5 Votes: 4
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0425251500 (ISBN13: 9780425251508)
Berkley Publishing Group

About book Sour Apples (2012)

This was just a really bad book. I have enjoyed most of the series, but this book took the entire series down to a new low. Unlikable characters abound in this mess. The murderer was apparent from the first two chapters. After thinking about it, I realized that Ms. Connolly is really lacking in the character development aspect of the book. Specifically, the stilted dialogue between the characters. It is as if she is an ESL writer & is just learning the language. I will not continue the series, even though I like the premise of a small town orchard farmer. I have loved the Apple Orchard mysteries by Sheila Connolly and this is a wonderful addition to the series.Meg Corey is finally feeling settled. She has survived her first harvest. She has eked a small profit from the orchard and is interested in expanding her varieties and holdings. She is getting to know many of her neighbors and is making friends. She is planting her own roots.Then into the midst of this settling, her friend from Boston calls and asks if she can visit and if she can introduce her boss who was a classmate of Seth's and currently running for Congress. Seth does not have fond memories of his former classmate and won't speak to Meg about it. At this same time of the whirl wind visit of the Congressional tour, a dairy farmer ends up dead, presumably kicked by her cow. However, when the autopsy is performed it is discovered that she was murdered; at first, the husband is suspected. The cows had been ill and when blood work was done, everything turned out normal in one test and very wrong in another test -- it is hard to believe that these two tests were the same animals.A long story of small town politics comes out in this novel. Environment, long family histories and close-knit communities come to full circle in this novel and I look forward to the next in the series.

Do You like book Sour Apples (2012)?

I'm officially over this series. I should've stopped reading after book 3.

Love this series. So interesting to me :)

this series is losing its edge

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