I didn't get to read this book when it first came out. I wasn't able to acquire it from any of my usual sources. I'm so glad that I found it in one of my local libraries. I love the series and it is fantastic how Nell is growing as a person, a leader, and a main character... Jimmy sure doesn't hurt the story either. I'll be watching for the 4th book in the series to appear and will be a lot more diligent in getting hold of it more quickly. There were a lot of things to like about this story: the character interaction, the plot, the setting. Overall I enjoyed the story, it was a nice, easy, enjoyable read. But it's missing the fourth star I'd like to give it due to an excess (imo) of introspection, or "contemplation" on the part of the main character - I found myself just outright skipping over those parts. And finally, the main character still comes across as a bit wooden and two dimensional - I see attempts at humour being made, but they fall flat - like they were shoe-horned in as an afterthought. I'd wish for a bit more spark in the next book. But I will definitely look for the next book as I think this is a series that shows promise.
Do You like book Fire Engine Dead (2012)?
I love her Orchard mysteries, but her museum series is slow. SLOW. I'm not sure I'll read another.
Best of the series so far. Interesting and I learned a little history, too.
Another fine entry in the "Museum Mysteries" series.
I liked this one the best of the series so far!