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Sins Of The Flesh (2009)

Sins of the Flesh (2009)

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0446543837 (ISBN13: 9780446543835)

About book Sins Of The Flesh (2009)

Whoa! What would you risk in order to save your sight and your life from a brain tumor? In this case, a cellist signs on for a medical trial of gene therapy. Unfortunately for her, the researchers are more interested in the experiment and money than her well-being. When one of the doctors is savagely torn limb from limb and the remaining partners hire mercenaries to bring this lone woman to justice, she manages to escape and swing one of the hunters to her way of thinking. Left with relentless therapy and pain for the rest of her life, she does have some unique skills, she's extremely strong, can see heat, and has chameleon skin. Wacky. Dynamic! Imaginative! Beckoning! Sins of the Flesh is an amazing mastery of science, action, and romance! Mick Carrera is the embodiment of an alpha male, with the added bonus of being deliciously Latin. Caterina Shaw is a courageous heroine that brings the story to life. Together they create a marvelous story filled to the brink with adventure, intrigue, and romance. Caridad Piñeiro has launched us into a unique world of paranormal occurences, filled to the brim with a flavor for every palate. Caridad Piñeiro brings a new voice to paranormal romance, the picture she draws with her captivative storytelling skills are above and beyond par. I look forward to reading Stonger Than Sin (Book 2 in the Sin series).

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I've ordered the second in the series already - these books are that good.

I really like this book. It was different than the usual romance novel.

Not bad, but I had very high expectations due to the reviews.

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