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Caridad Piñeiro

Caridad Piñeiro
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.67

Books by Caridad Piñeiro


Sins of the Flesh (2009)

Whoa! What would you risk in order to save your sight and your life from a brain tumor? In this case, a cellist signs on for a medical trial of gene therapy. Unfortunately for her, the researchers are more interested in the experiment and money than her well-being. When one of the doctors is ...

Sins of the Flesh (2009) by Caridad Piñeiro

Stronger than Sin (2010)

For a romance-type novel, Stronger than Sin is more interesting than some I've read. I liked the science background story because it added some further intrigue. The characters were developed well - even though the main character Liliana was introduced in a previous book, I didn't feel I missed a...

Stronger than Sin (2010) by Caridad Piñeiro

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