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Sibling Lust: In The Barn (2011)

Sibling Lust: In the Barn (2011)

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2.92 of 5 Votes: 1
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1609825713 (ISBN13: 9781609825713)
Smashwords Edition

About book Sibling Lust: In The Barn (2011)

I picked this short piece up to have as my first read on my new kindle. I have a thing of pseudo incest, I am not going to sugar coat that I am a kinky bitch. So going into it I knew what it was going to be about. Although I was rather tempted by the idea of the Devil “actually” being inside the girls body rather than it being subjective. None the less once I got into the rhythm of characters natural naivety [although bracing since they are adults] I rather enjoyed the little short story. Not the best thing I have read, but the quotes were beautiful, ones I would write down and collect and Kitt's writing was a great introduction. So I've taken an interest in Erotica lately, I know someone who plans to start writing it. And well, Selena Kitt is pretty synonymous with Erotica. So I thought I would check this one out. The subject is a little taboo, but reasonable. The build up to the sex scene was really good. I was eager to keep reading. But when the sex scene hits, well it falls flat. There is just nothing to it, especially after such a great build up. You'd expect some epic stuff in the sex scene, but it just dies out.

Do You like book Sibling Lust: In The Barn (2011)?

In the barn is a sexy and erotic book, that my friend reccommended. It's a grewat book.

Nah, not so much..... It only got the second star because I adore Ms. Kitt.

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