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The Real Mother Goose (2009)

The Real Mother Goose (2009)

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eXcessica publishing

About book The Real Mother Goose (2009)

I love all fairy tale retellings and this one is kinky! Mother Goose is a dominatrix who is in charge while Father Goose is away. Each "fairy tale" is a short erotic story of Mother Goose training her charges, giving a new meaning to the term "sex kitten." All the favorites show up, Little Bo Peep, Little Boy Blue, Humpty Dumpty, Simple Simon, Ol' King Cole.... I'd love to check out Selena Kitt's other books. Kitt's twisted take on childhood rhymes is one of the hottest pieces of erotica I've ever read. The first few chapters, in which Mother Goose trains Little Bo Peep in the ways of submission, are probably my favorite.Bizarre, funny, sexy, clever, and very feminine, Kitt's seductive, shameless eroticizing of nursery rhymes is not to be missed. She even manages to pull a surprisingly moving storyline out of what I had expected to be a strung-together series of sexy episodes.

Do You like book The Real Mother Goose (2009)?

Where to begin? Let's just say this one will never be read in a preschool.

Very smuttie. (Mother Goose is a dirty b*tch!) This Selena Kitt I liked!

great book I couldn't put it down.

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