Jensen lives with her con artist sister Lauren and knows it won't be long until it is time to move away from her friends. Then a boy at school seems to be staring at her all the time and she is seeing weird things like kids with wings.If the description I wrote sounds confusing then you ain't seen nothing until you read the book! Confused and baffled pretty much sums up my reaction to it. It starts off ok until she sees the kids with wings and gets attacked. The staring boy Liam rescues her then tries to explain the situation. That's where I stopped getting it. There is a huge info dump where he is talking about Seelie Courts, Unseelie Courts, the Legends of King Arthur, and the mythology of the Isle of Man with a host of character names thrown in. The author seemed to jump around in these topics with no real thought or plan so I didn't follow what she was talking about. You struggle to work out who is good and who is evil and who the hell everyone is and where each is from and what they all seem to attack her for. Good and evil? Well I couldn't tell who was meant to be one or the other as everyone seemed to want to attack our heroine. All of the female characters are psycho bitches without rhyme or reason and by then my head was spinning like that scene in the Exorcist.I was glad to abandon this one, lie down to stop my head buzzing then try a nice horror book instead! This review was originally posted on Big Al's Books and Pals review blog on July 12, 2012Sixteen-year-old high school student Jenson Meadows has no idea who she really is, her whole life she believed her mother had died and she was being raised by her sister Lauren. When events happen that cause Jenson to start seeing past faerie glamour Lauren abandons her saying "... Seek the order of the high wizard if need be and whatever you do, don't take off your ring."Jensen finds herself caught in the middle of an ancient faerie war of Arthurian proportions. She soon learns that faeries aren't made of sparkly goodness, some can be vicious. With the help of Liam Casey and his sister Fiona, she delves into their world to find her missing sister and begins to suspect that her whole life has been nothing more than a faerie tale.This novella has a very original story line that is tied into Arthurian legend in a very unique way. The author does a nice job introducing us to Jensen and a few friends. I loved the dialogue between the teenagers; it was witty and typical for that age. When Jensen breaks into her friend's twin sister's locker, she starts seeing the world differently. She becomes Two-Sighted, which means she can see through faerie glamour and can ignore their compulsion.Then things start happening too fast and furious, the story gets rushed and at times confusing. Some descriptions of the faerie world are colorful and well done, other parts needed a lot more definition or explanation. Many new faerie characters are introduced and not well defined. Perhaps certain aspects are picked up in the rest of the trilogy; but time should have been taken in this story to define Sidhe, Seelie and Unseelie courts as they pertained to her faerie world and not just assume the readers know, because this is a YA story. There is a lot of potential for a great story here that the author just lost by rushing the story along.Format/Typo Issues:A small number of errors.**Originally written for "Books and Pals" book blog. May have received a free review copy. **
Do You like book Shimmerspell (2011)?
Great twist in a faerie story. It's beautiful and dangerous. A must read for faerie lovers.
This book was very interesting and you should take a look at it.
I wonder what happens to Jensen next.....