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Senza Via Di Fuga (2014)

Senza Via Di Fuga (2014)

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Time Crime

About book Senza Via Di Fuga (2014)

The second book with Kira Miller and Donald Desh. The first book was pretty good. This follow-up was silly. Characters that died, that didn't, crazy escapes that really made no sense, allies that we or were not or something. A page turner, yes, but really could have used some plot editing. Luckily, his next novel uses fresh characters, because by the end of the book, these characters needed walkers and a nursing home. While the first book was a bit far-fetched, I'd call this one "very stretched." I enjoyed it less than the first. It felt like I was reading "Mission Impossible II" - constant adventure, double-cross, techonlogical gee-whiz (Like that? I tried to make it work...) but with an overall air of complete unbelievability. While Wired was fun, with some long uninteresting (to me) morality passages, this was more of a bad mystery novel cross with science fiction. Really - extra-terrestial invasion? Yeah, throw it in there. Extending human life? Yeah, throw it in there. The poorly-developed evil foil character? Of course.

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