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Sands Of Thyme (2013)

Sands of Thyme (2013)

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3.28 of 5 Votes: 3
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Silk Road Press

About book Sands Of Thyme (2013)

Oh I enjoyed this! I liked the setup and the premise and I so felt for Burke! I know what it's like being on projects and working 20 hours a day for months on end - at the end, it feels like you are just not all together and have a hard time acting "normal" again. Staff is a good guy as well and I liked his approach with Burke. I would love to see what happens when they get back to the real world ;) I read this after enjoying Brand New Flavor so much. I wanted to try another book by EM Lynley and a freebie seemed like a no-risk way.This was another fun book about two guys who meet and fall for each other, and neither really knows much about the other, just that they want to get to know each other better. The pressure of being at the resort was used very well. Burke thinks he has to pair up but he's not sure about how that's going to work. H doesn't want to be slutty, but then he's offended the guy doesn't want to have sex with him. His self-doubt was endearing and humorous. His thoughts about Staff's staff had me giggling out loud. Overall the story was cute and funny, but I did think it would be better if it was longer, which is why I only gave it 4 stars. I loved that there was food in this one too and I can see a pattern with this author. Since I like to cook that's just fine with me. I wanted to see what happens after they leave the resort. And I want the recipe for that chicken, damn it!Maybe it's really 4.5 stars, since it was free. I think that's worth something on its own and thank the authors who spend time giving us freebies.

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Cute little short.




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