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E.M. Lynley

E.M. Lynley
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3.63 of 5 Votes: 4
Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.34

Books by E.M. Lynley


Sands of Thyme (2013)

Oh I enjoyed this! I liked the setup and the premise and I so felt for Burke! I know what it's like being on projects and working 20 hours a day for months on end - at the end, it feels like you are just not all together and have a hard time acting "normal" again. Staff is a good guy as well a...

Sands of Thyme (2013) by E.M. Lynley

Brand New Flavor (2012)

4.5 rounded upFirst off, this story made me crave some really good ice cream! EM Lynley describes the tactile sensations and the flavors in such a way that it was an absolute need to get a bowl of frozen confection, mostly because first choice (of hot guys) wasn't in grabbing range.Cameron the fo...

Brand New Flavor (2012) by E.M. Lynley

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