This book is a fun sequence of events book that'd be great for kids K-2. The boo starts off with Buzz and Fly Guy getting asked if they want to go on a ride in the car with Buzz's Dad. However, when the windows are down, Fly Guy flies out of the window! One thing after another happens to Fly Guy, and pushes him further and further away from Buzz. Will Fly Guy be able to reunite with Buzz, or will he be lost forever? I guess there's only one way to find out...A great activity to do with kids would be to talk to them about what kinds of rides/vacations they've gone on with their parents. Have them draw pictures of their adventures, and then have them share with their classmates.Citation: Tedd Arnold's "Fly Guy" Books are really fun. The storyline is goofy and kids love it--a kid who has adventures with his pet fly???? Yep!! But an adult can also see the humor in these books. These are some of the best books that I've found for kids to read who are 2+ grade levels behind. The writing is on a high 1st or low 2nd grade level, but the stories work for kids up through middle-school age who are struggling with reading.I should give all the Fly Guy books 5 stars for the good they do for struggling readers!!!
A 1st grader that LOVES Fly Guy read this to me and giggled the entire time... Boosted my rating!
This is a great series for students who are beginning to read "chapter" books.
My 6-year old and 3-year old love Fly Guy!
Good for K unit on transportation.