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Paulie Pastrami Achieves World Peace (2009)

Paulie Pastrami Achieves World Peace (2009)

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3.9 of 5 Votes: 3
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0316032921 (ISBN13: 9780316032926)
Little, Brown Books for Young Readers

About book Paulie Pastrami Achieves World Peace (2009)

This book highlights community on the world stage and how one ordinary little boy sets out to accomplish a very extraordinary goal. The message communicated to children is one of "no act is too small" which I like and would hope to instill in my students. The illustrations are bright and colorful which make this book attractive to the average Kindergartener. I enjoyed seeing Paulie Pastrami and his family depicted as a multicultural family which is a rapidly changing demographic in our society. Also, one that would be a good representation of many of the students in my classroom. Paulie Pastrami is just an ordinary seven year old. He gets picked last in sports, his socks don't always match, and he can't whistle. What makes him unique though is that he achieved world peace before he turned eight years old. How you ask?! By simple acts of kindness. He started out just being kind to animals. He read to trees. He apologized for being mean to his sister. He offered compassion to those in need. He listened to his teacher. But when he had achieved peace at his school, he realized it wasn't enough....he wanted to achieve world peace! So off he and his parents went to deliver peace (in the form of a cupcake!) to stores around town. With bright illustrations and pages, kids will laugh and be delighted by the things Paulie does...and will hopefully be inspired to spread a little world peace (or cupcakes) themselves! This would be a great book to use during a class lesson about kindness and/or character.

Do You like book Paulie Pastrami Achieves World Peace (2009)?

It's so good I read it three times. Once to myself, once to my mom and once to my dad. read it!

Because..."a misunderstanding could often be settled with a cupcake."

Who knew that the secret to world peace is...cupcakes?

It's all about cupcakes and caring.

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