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James Proimos

James Proimos
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Books by James Proimos


Paulie Pastrami Achieves World Peace (2009)

This book highlights community on the world stage and how one ordinary little boy sets out to accomplish a very extraordinary goal. The message communicated to children is one of "no act is too small" which I like and would hope to instill in my students. The illustrations are bright and colorful...

Paulie Pastrami Achieves World Peace (2009) by James Proimos

Todd's TV (2010)

The kids loved this book! And it was great! The TV comes alive and takes over all the parental duties. We watch TV very sparingly over here (my kids get excited when I occasionally put Jeopardy on in the evening. No, they don't answer the questions, but I'm convinced their math is getting better ...

Todd's TV (2010) by James Proimos

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