This nicely filled in the gaps that were missing from the sixth book, Definitely Dead. While I appreciate having some back story, I would have liked it better if this novella were eliminated and the story was written in the actual book. I experienced some confusion and felt like much of the story was missing while reading the book, and in fact it was because the important details are in the novella, not the book. Novellas to me are considered "extras" and not "required reads". My advice - read this before book number 6. Read. Finished August 2012. Short and sharp - Just like SookieThis the short story that explains Sookie's cousin Hadley, and is meant to be read before Novel 6. I didn't discover this until after I had read Definitely Dead so it clears up a bit of the confusions and questions I had when I read that book. Like 'Did we know Sookie had a cousin? A Vampire cousin at that??' for example ;) It wasn't completely necessary to read though
Do You like book One Word Answer (2000)?
Didn't quiet understand if this book was really needed... It was just like one chapter...
Useful as it explains more about Hadley's life and death.