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One Mountain Away (2012)

One Mountain Away (2012)

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4.21 of 5 Votes: 5
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0778313557 (ISBN13: 9780778313557)
Harlequin MIRA

About book One Mountain Away (2012)

I’ve upgraded this from four and a half to five stars as I’ve been thinking about it a lot of the time since I read it. While from my own experience I found the mother and daughter relationship between Charlotte and Taylor, almost incomprehensible, somehow the author’s skill makes it believable. Charlotte Hale has pulled herself up from a very difficult beginning to be a well to do real estate developer. But it has come at a price. That of her husband and daughter Taylor, and basically any friends she might have had. The trouble is Charlotte and Taylor are both strong women, very much alike. Too much alike it would seem and that was where the problems started. They both like to think they are in control. But when Charlotte is diagnosed with leukaemia, she realises there are some things she simply can’t control or manage on her own.There are some interesting female characters in this, not only Charlotte and Taylor, but Harmony the pregnant unmarried woman Charlotte meets, Analiese, the minister of Covenant church, Stephanie, Taylor’s friend. who is not above telling a few home truths when needed. One of my favourites was Analiese, otherwise known as Reverend Ana, despite some of her unconventional ideas and teaching methods. ‘The hard part of being a mother is knowing when to let go and when to hang on.’ This is a story of relationships, parent and child relationships as well as friendships. I loved this book. The characters hooked me right in and tugged at my emotions. Yes there were more than a few tears in the process too. Just finished this book and wow! Emilie Richards tells a wonderful story till the very end. Just learned this is a trilogy and I can't wait to read about Charlotte Hale's legacy. She is full of regret and has the chance to change life's before it's to late. Her daughter Taylor, granddaughter Maddie and the friends she makes at the end of her journey work together to keep her memory alive. Look forward to reading that!

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I loved this book. It was a good reminder of what is important in life.

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