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Series: Goddesses Anonymous

by Author Emilie Richards


No River Too Wide (2014)

No River Too WideByEmilie RichardsThe main and most important characters in this book...The characters that really carried this book were Harmony and her mom Jan...Taylor was a key character, too, as was Adam...and of course the non present husband of Jan...and Harmony's father...Rex...creepy Rex...

No River Too Wide (2014) by Emilie Richards

La saveur du printemps (2014)

4 STARS (I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review). "Where Luck Meets Trust, Miracles Can Happen Christy Haviland served eight months in prison, giving birth behind bars to the child of the man who put her there and might yet destroy her. Now she's free again, but what d...

La saveur du printemps (2014) by Emilie Richards

One Mountain Away (2012)

I’ve upgraded this from four and a half to five stars as I’ve been thinking about it a lot of the time since I read it. While from my own experience I found the mother and daughter relationship between Charlotte and Taylor, almost incomprehensible, somehow the author’s skill makes it believable....

One Mountain Away (2012) by Emilie Richards

Le bleu de l'été (2014)

Ce roman nous raconte l'histoire de Charlotte qui cherche à surmonter ses regrets et mener une vie plus en paix avec elle-même.En effet, Charlotte est passée près de la mort. Cette expérience lui a permis de prendre conscience que même si elle a la vie qu'elle a toujours voulue, être seule pour e...

Le bleu de l'été (2014) by Emilie Richards