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Old Songs In A New Cafe: Selected Essays (1994)

Old Songs in a New Cafe: Selected Essays (1994)

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3.79 of 5 Votes: 3
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0446517984 (ISBN13: 9780446517980)
grand central publishing

About book Old Songs In A New Cafe: Selected Essays (1994)

I picked 'Old Songs' up at Goodwill on a whim, and was pleasantly surprised. Waller's writing is lovely; his personality and passion easily shine through. On the one hand, I'd like to give this book five stars for his talent and ability to engage me on topics for which I would not normally care. However, I'm only giving him four stars after researching him and discovering that Waller had a seven year* affair before confessing his adultery to his wife. Tragic and disappointing as his indiscretions are, I don't find myself judging him as much as I found the information to be distracting, as I often found myself comparing the chronology of his essays to whether or not he may have also been with his mistress at the same time. My reasoning might not be Waller's fault, exactly, but oh well. If you want five stars, don't cheat on your wife.*Little info was available on Waller, who I initially Googled for wanting to know more about this writer I'd been enjoying so much. Consensus says his affair went on for seven years, but I don't assume to know this for sure.

The author most well known for The Bridges of Madison County previously held a newspaper reporter position in Des Moines, Iowa. Old Songs in A New Cafe is a selection of essays that he wrote and as I understand most if not all were published in the paper when he worked there.Not all of them struck me, but those that did tugged my heart-strings, giving me pause. Waller has a great ability to take a common place event, revealing some small, insignificant detail about it, then spinning the tale in such a way that that detail becomes important and perhaps even representative of some truth that transcends the common and speaks to the human condition. Some of these are the kinds of essays in which I found myself closing the book to sit and dwell, allowing something larger to soak in.

Do You like book Old Songs In A New Cafe: Selected Essays (1994)?

I've had this book for a while. Don't really remember when or why I got it but I'm glad I finally got around to reading it. There were a few selections I didn't care for but overall it was an enjoyable read. If you are an animal lover be sure to have a tissue at hand when you read A Canticle for Roadcat...holy crap. I bawled like a woman whose husband just left her & took her jewelry box!! =*( It was probably ten times worse because I've lost pets who were near & dear to me. I'm just glad I read it while everyone was in bed & I had no witnesses.

The first few and the last one were my favorites. I loved the first one, about packing up his daughter's room and reflecting on the time that she lived with them. The next one, about his wife, was enough to make me tear up.There were a handful of other essays in here that I thought were great and strong.The ones in between (mostly the ones about sports, animals and so on) didn't connect with me as much, but it was worth it because I loved the others so much. This was a short book and I read in in just a couple of hours, so if you get a chance to read it, I'd say that it's worth it.

Sentimental, absolutely. Between these covers, I decided to suspend judgement and as a result, the story unfolded and transcended for me. This was written in a different time, so keep in mind articles featuring female characters in particular are more accessory and superficial than are the stories about men. I would strongly suggest a small glass of wine, to assist the reader to more effectively pore over the elegance and ease of his description. Waller has an extraordinary sense of the world and it was enjoyable to ride with him through his ruminations and lessons, heartbreak and wonder. Suggested if you need a creative break, if you'd like to step out into another and nostalgic world.

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