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Robert James Waller

Robert James Waller
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Books by Robert James Waller


The Bridges of Madison County (1995)

Everything about this book is ice cube slowly melting on hot skin. His essence which he wore like a mantle regally, reached into her strangled mute soul and caused it to speak again, to live again.Excellent good read! Here's the thing. I think those of us in the avid readers club sleep a lot of b...

The Bridges of Madison County (1995) by Robert James Waller

Old Songs in a New Cafe: Selected Essays (1994)

I picked 'Old Songs' up at Goodwill on a whim, and was pleasantly surprised. Waller's writing is lovely; his personality and passion easily shine through. On the one hand, I'd like to give this book five stars for his talent and ability to engage me on topics for which I would not normally care. ...

Old Songs in a New Cafe: Selected Essays (1994) by Robert James Waller

Puerto Vallarta Squeeze (1995) Vallarta Squeeze by Robert James Waller, 1995I recently heard a speech by a literary man who has been in the book industry for over thirty years. He said that publishers love good books that sell...and bad books that sell. The only real criteria is t...

Puerto Vallarta Squeeze (1995) by Robert James Waller

Slow Waltz In Cedar Bend (1994)

Another winner from author Robert James WallerEvery since I read Bridges of Madison County by this author and fell completely in love with his writing style and the delivery and reality of his characters I've been itching to read more. He's written quite a few books and I didn't care which I pic...

Slow Waltz In Cedar Bend (1994) by Robert James Waller

High Plains Tango (2006)

A Ballad From the HeartWhat I really like about this story is its soft, lingering pace. The lazy yawn of a tomcat named ”Dumptruck”, for instance, and the sensual dance of a mystic goddess that goes by the name of Susanna Benteen, better known as “the witch” among the locals in Salamander.For tho...

High Plains Tango (2006) by Robert James Waller

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