About book Oishinbo A La Carte, Volume 4 - Fish, Sushi And Sashimi (2009)
One of things I like about this manga is how open the premise is. Yes, we're going to get stories dealing with food and cooking, but there can also be stories within that framework of rescuing orphans, reconciling heartbreak, rekindling romance and passion, teaching humility, and much more. Yes, this isn't a complete version of the original manga--chapters are omitted--but it's still an excellent read, and the continuity is light enough that one rarely misses the missing chapters anyway. A fun and informative tour of Japanese cuisine. In this volume our hero Yamaoka searches far and wide to find to find the very best seafood. I only wish these books came with all the food! I all sounded so yummy. It did make me thing about the increasing scarcity of certain types of fish, as the characters often note how certain species were once much more plentiful. Also the predictable format of each chapter can get rather tiring if you read it all in quick succession.
Do You like book Oishinbo A La Carte, Volume 4 - Fish, Sushi And Sashimi (2009)?
Culinarily ahead of it's time. A must for the Nipponophile and food enthusiast.
This book made me really hungry and I don't even like fish that much!