About book Oishinbo A La Carte, Volume 1 - Japanese Cuisine (2009)
I love food (hey, who doesn't?), so I figure Oishinbo: Japanese Cuisine would be great introducing to Japanese Food for the average gaijin whose idea of Japanese Cuisine is sushi rolls, teriyaki bowls (not Japanese by the way) miso soup, rice and green tea. But it's more than that. Japanese Cuisine is as diverse as American or French Cuisine and it's preparation can take a chef years to master. The premise of the story: the publishers of a newspaper have assigned the protagonist Yamaoka Shiro and his wife/partner to create the Ultimate Menu of Japanese Cuisine. He has an extensive knowledge of Japanese food, given that his father is the founder and director of the Gourmet Club, an exclusive food club. However, there is a major rife between father and son and the rivalry has gotten fierce with each one trying to up the other. What I enjoyed about the book is the detailed information about Japanese Cuisine, how it's prepared but also, how it's suppose to be eaten and enjoyed. Food in Japan is suppose to be savor and the host and cook honored for the preparation. I am almost tempted to try my hand at preparing sashimi (though I think rice and dashi is more my speed). The next book in the series is about Sake, so there is more to come. Very enjoyable read. The endnotes are very helpful and clearly explain unique food, culture, and character backstory. Yamaoka's tone can get strident at times.I'm also reading the full series in Chinese translation and have to look up many of the food, technical terms, and cultural references on my own. In the English translation, the endnotes conveniently save me from this task.I doubt that the entire series will ever be translated into English since some of the topics covered are very controversial-- e.g. Yamaoka and Kurita are pro whaling for food. I can't imagine that Viz or any manga translators would be willing to publish those chapters in the U.S.
Do You like book Oishinbo A La Carte, Volume 1 - Japanese Cuisine (2009)?
Reading about how each meal is prepared makes me drool. Getting Vol. 2 soon...
An entertaining way to learn about the complex nature of Japanese cuisine.
Recipes and drama and cultural education. Great graphic series!
This book makes me hungry. I am going to Sushi King asap.