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No One In The World (2011)

No One in the World (2011)

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3.9 of 5 Votes: 5
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1439178097 (ISBN13: 9781439178096)
Simon & Schuster

About book No One In The World (2011)

Yes, this book was something completely differentfrom what Im used to reading, but it was sooo good! With so many twists and turns, one could not figure out how that would end. At times I wanted to curse out Eric child's mother, she was so wrong, and other times I was hoping that Eric wouldn't cross his brother and he proved me right. Cobi sister was a mess and a down right an ass. I am glad Cobi gave his brother that chance at life again. May God bless the angel whose hands had a part in this novel before he passed, E. Lynn Harris. Two thumbs up with 5 stars, this was a great read!!! This was an entertaining read, but not as thrilling or edge-of-your-seat as a true E. Lynn Harris novel. The ending was hurried along, and the book would have definitely benefited from a prolouge. I really want to know how Teresa and Blac's sister and nephew handled things and whether a certain character actually does go to prison for a crime he didn't commit (don't want to give too much away!). I could even see a sequel to this book because so much was left unfinished at the end.

Do You like book No One In The World (2011)?

I really good read....I am looking forward to reading something else by RM Johnson.

This was very good, a page turner, makes me miss E Lynn Harris even more..

Finished Sunday. Unexpected but great ending. Left me wanting more.

This book was good had twist and turns read it in 3 &1/2 days

Good moving read. Left lots of room for sequel.

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