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E. Lynn Harris

E. Lynn Harris
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Books by E. Lynn Harris


Basketball Jones (2009)

I was looking for something fluffy to get through a long road trip and found this at the library. Sounded like it might be a twist on romance type genres, which made me a little interested. It's soapy as hell. I expected that, but by the end (it was short and I felt like I had to finish it) I was...

Basketball Jones (2009) by E. Lynn Harris

Blame it On the Sun (2009)

Being an avid E. Lynn Harris fan since the 90s, I must admit that I was highly disappointed with his last three novels. When reading all three novels, at certain points I would put the novel down for weeks at a time. The story lines just didn't hold my attention. In Mama Dearest, I did not like...

Blame it On the Sun (2009) by E. Lynn Harris

Mama Dearest (2009)

E. Lynn's last book was one of his best; in it he showed that even some the most devious, self-centered, seemingly unflapplable people can come full circle. Yancey had the worst reputation in previous books but her heart changed in a way one would never expect. As for her mother Ava...what can ...

Mama Dearest (2009) by E. Lynn Harris

In My Father's House (2010)

Only the world’s most beautiful models make the roster of Picture Perfect Modeling agency and they only do shoots for the most elite photographers and magazines. They are fashionista royalty—and the owners, Bentley L. Dean and his beautiful partner Alexandra, know it. But even Picture Perfect isn...

In My Father's House (2010) by E. Lynn Harris

No One in the World (2011)

Yes, this book was something completely differentfrom what Im used to reading, but it was sooo good! With so many twists and turns, one could not figure out how that would end. At times I wanted to curse out Eric child's mother, she was so wrong, and other times I was hoping that Eric wouldn't cr...

No One in the World (2011) by E. Lynn Harris

I Say a Little Prayer (2006)

E. Lynn Harris, I Say a Little Prayer (Doubleday, 2006)I wasn't quite understanding all the flap surrounding this book until very recently, when an African-American friend of mine who lives in California expressed outrage at the fact that Proposition 8 (the anti-gay-marriage proposition) was pass...

I Say a Little Prayer (2006) by E. Lynn Harris

A Love of My Own (2003)

E. Lynn Harris is a new writer for me though he has been writing for some time. The write-up on the back of the audio looked promising. Zola Denise Norwood, it tells us, is a hot new editor of a New York magazine called “Bling Bling.” She’s also disenchanted with love and prefers to tackle the ...

A Love of My Own (2003) by E. Lynn Harris

Any Way the Wind Blows (2002)

I'll be the first to admit, I really enjoy reading E. Lynn Harris' works. I feel that they are both insightful as well as entertaining.After just finishing his latest book, "Any Way the Wind Blows," I would be doing you a great disservice if I didn't say how I felt about the book. So, having said...

Any Way the Wind Blows (2002) by E. Lynn Harris

Not a Day Goes By (2004)

I used to see E. Lynn Harris books in the African-American section of local bookstores, decades ago, and have leafed through several. I was always captivated by the chatty language and frank discussions of sexuality but never actually bought one. He's something of a local legend, having gone from...

Not a Day Goes By (2004) by E. Lynn Harris

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