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Ninja Cowboy Bear Presents The Way Of The Ninja (2010)

Ninja Cowboy Bear Presents the Way of the Ninja (2010)

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3.74 of 5 Votes: 2
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1554536153 (ISBN13: 9781554536153)
Kids Can Press

About book Ninja Cowboy Bear Presents The Way Of The Ninja (2010)

Awesome doesn't begin to explain how cool I thought this book was. I mean, for god's sake there's a NINJA in it!I read this book aloud to myself. It didn't have a rhyme or a rhythm but it didn't affect my enjoyment. There's so much to see in each picture that I found myself focusing on the illustrations instead of the words. I loved the illustration style in this book. I can't wait to try more books by this author/illustrator combo.Definitely recommended! Rated and reviewed by Dylan the ninja, age 7:This book is about a ninja like me. He had two friends, the cowboy and the bear. In this story he doesn't want to do what his friends want to do so he gets them to do what he wants to. They get hurt. He thinks about what everyone might want to do and they are friends again. My favorite part was when he thinks of everything they want to do. I like the drawings and everything.

Do You like book Ninja Cowboy Bear Presents The Way Of The Ninja (2010)?

Preachy. Illustrations did follow the text; but the frames seemed inconsistent.

ninjas+charlie=successful reading time

So cute, must get for the grandson!

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