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David Bruins

David Bruins
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Books by David Bruins


The Legend of Ninja Cowboy Bear (2009)

An adorable tale about three friends - Ninja, Cowboy, and Bear - who want to figure out what makes them special. They soon discover, it is their unique abilities and their friendship for one another.The story is adorable, and children will love the illustrations.At the end of this book is game ti...

The Legend of Ninja Cowboy Bear (2009) by David Bruins

Ninja Cowboy Bear Presents the Way of the Ninja (2010)

Awesome doesn't begin to explain how cool I thought this book was. I mean, for god's sake there's a NINJA in it!I read this book aloud to myself. It didn't have a rhyme or a rhythm but it didn't affect my enjoyment. There's so much to see in each picture that I found myself focusing on the illust...

Ninja Cowboy Bear Presents the Way of the Ninja (2010) by David Bruins

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