I read this on the KindleThis is the 2nd book in the series, i really enjoyed it & found it a good one not sure what they mean by Bangs when referring to something they do to their hair but i got the ideaEmma is the one the book mostly about but have the others from book 1 in it so you are reading about their life the ups & downs of life be you Amish or other wise i think we can all relate to some of their problems especially with having teenagers I didn't read the first book in this series, because my local library didn't have it. I really enjoyed this story! I had to keep reading to see what was going to happen next. I liked Emma Miller & James Davis, JR, Hannah & Seth miller, Julia & Deacon Simon Miller, Joseph Kauffman & Mary, Sam Yoder & Sarah Hosetler. I was happy that Hannah finally was in the family way & her husband told her God would answer her prayers when the time was right. Sad how Seth's idea didn't work, but he learned from his mistake. I was happy when James said about going Amish in the New Order & Emma join him to be baptized. I like how Emma said to James to be Amish for 1 year actually giving them both time to get used to the New Order & how things will change for them. I could picture in my mind what was going on as I read this story. I look forward to reading A Widow's Hope book 1 & The Way To A Man's Heart book 3 in the Miller Family Series.
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like this #2 of the Miller family--Emma, wool business, neighbor sheep farmer