I enjoyed reading Mary Ellis for the first time. This book has many storylines happening and all of which were entertaining and exciting. Catherine's budding romance with Issiah was my favorite. I had hope at the ending that Nathan would end up with someone. Love, loss. Forgiveness are imbued throuout is novel. Although the storyline shifts between characters. Ellis still keeps the reader engaged and satisfied. Ellis had a great attention to detail and humor. I can't wait to read the next book in the series and to read her other series. Amish fiction is what I read when I'm sad and want to forget my troubles. These books are sweet, gentle stories about relationships and romance. They are like Mills and Boon, really, with a glimpse into another world very different to the one most of us live in.This story, about a midwife being jailed, was a little more hard hitting and original that many I've read, which is good. Too much Amish fiction is like eating too many cakes - too much sugar and no substance. Let down by a rather unrealistic portrayal of Isaiah, a deaf man who becomes a recluse but is "saved" by the love of a hearing woman. People with disabilities are not simple, slow versions of "normal" people - they have complex issues and situations and I like to see those realities acknowledged. I'm glad to see disabled people in books, rather than hidden away, just I like them real - even in novels that I read to escape reality!
Do You like book Abigail's New Hope (2011)?
I enjoyed this book.I would like to see more of Catherine's and Isaiahs story.