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My Dog Thinks I'm A Genius (2011)

My Dog Thinks I'm A Genius (2011)

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3.67 of 5 Votes: 1
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1609050592 (ISBN13: 9781609050597)
Blue Apple Books

About book My Dog Thinks I'm A Genius (2011)

My five-year-old son picked this book out from the library this week. He thinks that his dog thinks he's a genius. The book is very good, although not quite perfect. I love the concept: a boy, his dog, and artwork, but the pivot point is a little weak, so it actually feels like two shorter stories put together. I have no complaints about the artwork those. It is absolutely wonderful, and I would love to live in a house where I was surrounded by that artwork. Actual rating: 3.5 stars, but I round up. I am a huge proponent of books that both teach and entertain - and My Dog Thinks I'm a Genius does just that. With the decrease in art education, children are not provided as many opportunities to be exposed to masters and the joy that can be had in art. The illustrations are lovely, bright splashes of color that bring a walk through a modern art museum feel.The inclusion of the Cezanne and the use of similar tones and colors throughout the story, as well as a short biography of the painter are genius inclusions that tie the work together beautifully. As does Louie's step-by-step explanation of his painting process. Both story and illustrations make this a book that kids will enjoy as they create their own works of genius.I received a copy of the book from the publisher via Edelweiss for purpose of honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own responsibility.

Do You like book My Dog Thinks I'm A Genius (2011)?

Artistic talent may not be limited to the two legged individuals in this house.

Wonderful book for younger student talking about hidden talents.

Illustrations - greatStoryline - not great

Non-rhyming Pencil & paint

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