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Harriet Ziefert

Harriet Ziefert
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Books by Harriet Ziefert


My Dog Thinks I'm A Genius (2011)

My five-year-old son picked this book out from the library this week. He thinks that his dog thinks he's a genius. The book is very good, although not quite perfect. I love the concept: a boy, his dog, and artwork, but the pivot point is a little weak, so it actually feels like two shorter stor...

My Dog Thinks I'm A Genius (2011) by Harriet Ziefert

Lucy Rescued (2012)

A perfect picture book about adopting a dog from a shelter. Lucy is distressed when she arrives at her new home and howls "wah-ooo-ooo-roo" no matter how her new family tries to appease her. That is, until her little girl companion discovers how to make Lucy feel comfortable and happy. As a side ...

Lucy Rescued (2012) by Harriet Ziefert

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