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My Bus (2014)

My Bus (2014)

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0062287362 (ISBN13: 9780062287366)
Greenwillow Books

About book My Bus (2014)

Joe drives his bus to town, stopping along the way to pick up five cats and five dogs. When the bus is full he drops off five cats and four dogs. At the end of the day, he drives his car home with the one dog left on the bus -- Joe’s dog.My Bus cleverly introduces readers to a variety of modes of transportation (boats, trains, and planes), as well as counting and basic addition and subtraction. The cheerful, brightly coloured illustrations perfectly complement the simple text of the story. It's also worth noting that the people appearing in the pictures represent a variety of ethnic backgrounds, and the captain of the boat is a woman.Barton’s book is highly recommended for reading aloud to toddlers, especially those obsessed with “things that go”. Barton has written and illustrated many books about different modes of transportation. Toddlers who enjoy My Bus will also like Barton’s 2001 publication, My Car. At first glance, this is a bright, colorful picture book about a bus driver. But as Joe picks up his pet passengers, adult readers can guide little listeners through basic math concepts. How many dogs does he pick up? How many cats does he pick up? How many animals are on the bus all together? How many get off the bus at the train station? How many get off the bus at the airport? Reading this book will lay solid foundations for both math and reading skills. I am sure I will use it at story time soon!

Do You like book My Bus (2014)?

Playful and bright. Perfect for sharing. Emma and I loved the little twist at the end.

Freaking adorable honestly

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