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Byron Barton

Byron Barton
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3.73 of 5 Votes: 4
Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.71

Books by Byron Barton


My Bus (2014)

Joe drives his bus to town, stopping along the way to pick up five cats and five dogs. When the bus is full he drops off five cats and four dogs. At the end of the day, he drives his car home with the one dog left on the bus -- Joe’s dog.My Bus cleverly introduces readers to a variety of modes of...

My Bus (2014) by Byron Barton

A Girl Called Al (1991)

This is the complete review as it appears at my blog dedicated to reading, writing (no 'rithmatic!), movies, & TV. Blog reviews often contain links which are not reproduced here, nor will updates or modifications to the blog review be replicated here. Graphic and children's reviews on the blog ty...

A Girl Called Al (1991) by Byron Barton

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