Mustang Hill is the most beautiful book I've ever read. It is also the best book I've ever read, the story is very skillfully crafted, and full of meaning. The mystical element that we've seen in the previous books is very strong in this book. And while I don't believe in the supernatural (I guess I'm like Flynn there), the mystical was so beautiful and meaningful in this story. It also made this book an exciting reading experience. I loved how the things Dale and Jasper experienced together created a unique connection between them. I loved how Luath, Darcy and Roger became close to me during this read. And my favourite character, Paul, was lovely as always.This was the first book in the series that made me laugh. Just one word: quilts. Also, the last chapter made me cry.This book, and this series, is about love and family. It's about the love and marriage of five men, and the love between the members of their even bigger, extended, family. I highly recommend the Falls Chance Ranch -series.Oh, I have one more thing to say...I have waited for Dale to have sex with someone else than Flynn already, and yes! in this book that happened. I won't tell you who it was, though. Two more to go, Dale! (And for those who don't know yet: the very few sex scenes in this series are totally non-explicit). This series runs way too long, too repetitive, some free handed editing could really pep it up. It's not always easy to be sure who is speaking or whose POV you are reading because characters who are supposed to be American or Canadian speak Brit-speak or Antipode-speak (?). Sure if you spend a lot of time with someone, you are going to pick up words and phrases, but it wouldn't change how you structure your sentences.
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The Journey continues with Flynn, Dale, Paul, Jasper and Riley and I hope that it doesn't end.