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Murder Is Easy (2001)

Murder Is Easy (2001)

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0312979827 (ISBN13: 9780312979829)
minotaur books

About book Murder Is Easy (2001)

This was my second book by Agatha Christie and I found it as amazing as the first book that I read, her books don’t ever get boring.The story revolves around a man named Luke Fitzwilliam who emerged back from the Middle East and is currently living as a retired policeman. As he arrived to England he took a train to London and there he got the chance to sit with an old woman named Miss Pinkerton who made a journey from Wychwood to reach Scotland yard for a reason which was to report about a series of murders that were happening in her town and how everyone seems to think that they’re accidents. Luke didn’t believe what she was saying because he assumed that she was just an old lady who obviously kept on imagining things that weren’t real, but to go with the flow and to show respect he kept on asking her questions on the reasons for why she thinks that they were murders and not accidents. The journey ended on the train and they both headed separate ways after a long chat, Luke went to stay with a friend and a few days later as he was reading the newspaper her came across the incident of her death and it happened few hours after her arrival and that’s when he knew that she was positively right in what she was saying and wasn’t just imagining things.Luke took a decision of going down to Wychwood as a person who is aiming to write a story about murders and crimes, what made it easy was that Luke had lots of aunts and cousins and it turned out that one of his far cousins known as Bridged Conway was living in that town. Few days later Luke went down to Wychwood and stayed with his cousin and her fiancé, Bridget showed him the town and introduced him to some people, since it was a small town news traveled around so quickly that everyone knew about his visit and what his purpose was (writing a book). Luke questioned, met, got introduced to people and also suspected people but couldn’t reach a conclusion without evidence. Gradually Bridged came to know why Luke was really in Wychwood and that’s when she shared her thoughts, Luke wasn’t surprised that they both had the same thoughts and ideas because from her personality she seemed to be sharp and wise.A lot of events take place, where new crimes are committed and Luke tries not to get puzzled with everything and ties his ideas and thoughts to what was happening in town, and at the end of the story the murderer was someone who no one could expect just like what Miss Pinkerton stated.

On a train to London, Luke Fitzwilliam, a newly retired policeman, has a chance encounter with an old lady on her way to Scotland Yard to report a spate of what she believes to be murders that have taken place in her sleepy village of Wychwood-under-Ashe. As so often happens in Christie's books, the young male protagonist dismisses the spinster as being somewhat batty, even after she informs him that another death will occur soon – that of Dr Humbleby. The basis for this belief seems to be that she spotted a look on a certain person’s face which led her to suspect they were responsible for the recent so-called accidental deaths in her community.Luke thinks no more about the lady’s pronouncement until a few days later when he comes across a notice in the paper announcing the tragic death of the physician. His detective instincts taking over, Luke journeys to Wychwood to discover what has really been going on.I hadn’t read a Christie novel for some years, but a few pages into this one and I knew I was back on familiar ground. Her books often remind me of a cosy blanket that while well-worn, nevertheless gives great comfort when needed. The stories based in English country villages are particularly reassuring, and this novel is no different. All the usual village characters are present: the doctor, the village solicitor, the inquisitive maid servant, the vicar, and of course the inevitable old spinster. Luke encounters most of these personalities during his investigations, while at the same time he has to contend with his growing feelings for the local lord’s fiancé.The mystery itself and its denouement weren’t the most thrilling. The plot was – to quote Luke – “fantastical.” I know that often time’s Christie’s plots can border on the farcical – particularly in her later works – where there are far too many coincidences, but this story didn’t have any real believability factor and the solution just didn’t ring true. In addition, the book reminded me of a number of other plot devices and narrative points evident in other far more superior Christie novels. ‘Towards Zero’ for instance contained a very similar love story but a far more intense and well-crafted mystery. ‘Murder Is Easy’ is certainly a nice book to curl up with on a rainy Sunday afternoon or, as I did, to bring to bed with a cup of Earl Grey when you want some chill-out time. However, it’s not one of the Queen of Crime’s better efforts.

Do You like book Murder Is Easy (2001)?

My first Agatha Christie novel! My first great mystery of hers; I am hooked now. At first I was lulled into Luke Fitzwilliam, a retired policeman, running through all the possible suspects over and over. And, frankly, I was getting a little bored. I didn’t see what the big deal was with Agatha Christie. I didn’t understand the slow winding road to the character build-up. Now I see how Agatha develops her stories, it is deliciously deceptive!The first unexpected scene of romance was so shocking, it woke me up completely. I was awake then and couldn’t put down the book. My mind was going in a certain direction regarding suspects, much different from what Luke was revealing, and much different than how it turned out. I was completely baffled. Now I see what the attraction is, and can’t wait to read more of her novels!

Sooo... One star may be a little harsh, but this was by far the least interesting Agatha I've read to date. I was quite bored and underwhelmed.The set-up was ok, but I was severely unimpressed with our "detective" Luke Fitzwilliam (he was even a policeman! I wouldn't have guessed!). He makes all the cliché mistakes and never compensates with any actual cleverness. The story just continues to happen all around him without him making any useful contribution, and every other character in the book knows more than he does. He also acts like a total ass. On top of that, none of the side characters, victims or suspects or actual killer, managed to pique my interest. Shame. This was all around a disappointing entry. Unless you are determined to read every Christie on the planet, I would suggest you skip this one.

Murder is Easy -> Pembunuhan itu mudahBuku Agatha pertama kali yang aku baca dan itu juga karena ada teman yang baik hati meminjamkannya utkq.Melihat judulnya sudah sempat takut, takut gak sanggup baca nih buku.hehehe..Cerita berawal dari seorang pemuda bernama Luke Fitzwilliam dan melakukan perjalanan dengan kereta api menuju London. Didalam kereta, dia bertemu dengan seorang wanita tua bernama Lavinia Fullerton dan wanita itu mencerita semua pembunuhan yang terjadi ditempat dia tinggal di Wychwood.Sehingga membuat Luke harus pergi ke Wychwood untuk melakukan investigasi dan mencari tahu, siapakah pembunuh tersebut.Akhirnya, Luke berada di Wychwood dan tinggal dirumah Lord Whitfield dan Bridget.Dan menyatakan kalau dia berada ditempat tersebut untuk tujuan penulisan bukunya. Sehingga dimulailah kegiatan Luke untuk melakukan investigasi.Dari 6 pembunuhan tersebut, Luke berhasil mendapatkan 3 tersangka yaitu seorang dokter muda(Dr. Thomas), seorang seniman yang terlihat aneh sekali dan sangat mengerikan(Mr. Ellsworthy) dan seorang pengacara yang sudah menjadi duda dikarenakan istrinya telah meninggal (Mr. Abbot) .Dan akhirnya Luke membuat keputusan bahwa Mr. Ellsworthy lah menjadi biang keladi dari semua pembunuhan ini, dan dia mengatakan bahwa dia adalah orang gila dan aneh.Tetapi Luke tidak menyadari, sebenarnya bukan Mr. Ellsworthy pembunuh sebenarnya, karena pada malam hari disaat Lord Whitfield yang sudah merasa dekat dengan Luke, mengatakan sesuatu yang sangat aneh sekali dan terungkaplah sesuatu yang tidak dia duga sebelumnya.Selama investigasi yang dilakukan Luke, ternyata dia menyimpan perasaan mendalam kepada Bridget yang merupakan calon tunangan dari Lord Whitfield.Tapi akhir cerita bukan seperti ini yang diingikan pengarang..oh tidaaaakkk..karena ending cerita ini, bukan Lord Whitfield pembunuh sebenarnya.Setelah membaca buku ini, sepertinya aku mulai tertarik untuk membaca seri-seri lainya..:)

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