Seven Dials is Christie's subversion of the 1920s style thriller, only with a plucky female heroine and a subtle commentary on English society. A manor murder, a secret society, a slummy club in the East End, and international espionage that make it seem artificially complicated, but it was enjo...
This was my second book by Agatha Christie and I found it as amazing as the first book that I read, her books don’t ever get boring.The story revolves around a man named Luke Fitzwilliam who emerged back from the Middle East and is currently living as a retired policeman. As he arrived to England...
Agatha Christie, one of the greatest mystery writers of all time - some would say the greatest - was one author whose works I found too creepy to read when I was a kid. (I have to blame this on my sis; she used to feed me Christie's stories when we were alone in our room at night with the lights ...
Convergere VERSO L’ORA ZEROUn gruppo raccolto attorno al caminetto è composto da avvocati e uomini di legge. “Gli esseri umani … Ce ne sono di tutti i generi, di tutte le qualità, di tutte le forme, alcuni hanno cervello, molti ne sono privi …”Tutti sono attenti a seguire l’evolversi degli eventi...