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Mulberry Park (2008)

Mulberry Park (2008)

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3.84 of 5 Votes: 5
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0758220154 (ISBN13: 9780758220158)

About book Mulberry Park (2008)

After the first few chapters, I could see where the book was going, but I wanted to go with it. And there were a few surprises that I really enjoyed. Katie was one of them (no spoilers here). The author did a good job of offering a Christian theme while demonstrating how many people struggle with faith. And I will admit to a few tears at the end. Ms. Duarte has an easy style of writing. A worthwhile read. This is a good book where the adult characters learn something from a simple little girl's faith. When Claire starts to answer a little girl's letter to God she starts to have faith in God again after her son's death three years ago. The man who had killed her son in a hit and run accident is up for parole and his own son is hoping that his father will come home soon along with his young girlfriend who is caring for the young man. Also an older man's faith is reestablished when he finds a new friend in Mulberry Park.

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After reading Entertaining I wanted to read more of her books this a was grat.

This book was so charming. I thoroughly enjoyed it. :)

A tender sweet story. An enjoyable light read.

Sweet story. The ending was a little too neat.

Liked this book so much I bought the next two

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